Home Studio!!
During the past few months while here at home, I’ve been busy expanding my home studio workshop.
Long ago our basement/garage was divided by a wall with access between the two areas by way of a walk-through door. One side was finished as a general utility room while the other side with the single rollup garage door was left unfinished.
During the last couple years I’ve used the finished side as a design studio where I do my design work and detailed glazing.
The Design Studio
I also share the space with Bailey and Annie, that’s where they have their sleeping kennels.
The other side has since been finished off with drywall (thanks again Bro) and is now where I’ve set up my clay workshop. This is where I’ll do all my clay work; construction, drying, firing and finish work. It’s nice because this is the side that has the rollup garage door and with that open it has a great outdoor feel with lots of light and air circulation. And direct access to my (to be) outdoor Raku area!
The Clay Workshop
This side is also where one of the last puzzle pieces will go, my electric kiln, which is getting closer and closer.
Saving a spot!
Electricians are scheduled to be here this week to install the 240 V service/outlet and then I’ll be ready to order the kiln. It’ll be so great to be able to get all the greenware I’ve been working on into the kiln for bisque firing!
It sure is nice to be able to step downstairs and either spend the day, or even just a few minutes creating art!
Be sure to visit the WildFire MudWorks Art Gallery and Shop!