Coming Soon...WILDNESS!
Four weeks to go until September 20th, opening night of "Wildness", my show of ceramic art at West Main Artists in Spartanburg, SC.
I've been working away for the last several months on over a dozen new pieces ranging from small (8" x 14") single pieces up to large (3' x 5') multiple-piece 3-D works. I've used a combination of traditional low and western raku firing techniques. The work includes traditionally structured designs as well as pieces featuring a variety of design and color creativity, all centered around a theme of wildlife and wild places in America.
I'll keep you posted over the next few weeks as I finish up the last three unfinished works along with more sneak preview peaks.
A salute to the wild horses of the Outer Banks - "... A Different Color"
A sneak peak at a portion of "Out of the Blue"